
la motivation.

sometimes when it rains, it pours {in regards to posts}. i have this postcard framed and on my desk for motivation. most of the time, i'm pretty sure it is all bullshit.
and now back to finals prep.

les bins.

i made another trip to the bins {goodwill outlet} the other day. among my finds was this amazing leather duffel bag with oodles of character:

also, this great sage green tea kettle:

and several t-shirts, which i plan to make skirts out of, but more on that later:

trois tableaux.

these are three paintings i've done that are hanging above my desk. the first one i did recently when i remembered how fun painting is. it's also the only painting i've done in the past 9 months. sad.


c’était un kool-aid type du jour.

it was a kool-aid kind of day. getting up was really hard. it was dark, cold, cloudy, early and raining. i made it out the door 45 minutes later than i had planned, to find my bike seat soaked through. then the chain fell off half way up the hill. then i ran into the curb and almost fell straight into traffic. then all fun, motivation and creativity proceeded to be zapped from all projects in one fell swoop. one of those moments when the realization of the way life works hits you smack in the forehead. makes you realize it will never get better. only worse from here. if only it were possible to go back. and then it was time to leave. time for a bike ride. time for a short break in the clouds. time for playing with dogs. time for a cold glass of kool-aid.