i'm going to attempt to write a tutorial
on how to make the dress and scarf i
wore on friday. this could be
interesting because i usually don't
follow directions, nor do i excel at
explaining my creative chaos to others.
but here goes nothing:
i first started with two yards of a cotton
jersey with some stretch to it. i like this
kind of fabric because it is fairly inexpensive,
easy to work with and is very comfortable to
wear. i cut the fabric so i had two panels {one
for the front and one for the back}. the height
should be twice the desired length of the dress
and the width should be several inches wider
than the waist. in my case, i just cut along the
top fold of the fabric, so my panels were 2 yards
tall by 60 inches wide.

then i sewed up the height of each panel,
leaving the fold and the open end unsewn.

i then turned each panel right side out.
at this point they are like giant pillow cases.
after i measured the circumference of my arm
at my shoulder, i divided that in half then
added about 3 inches. i took this measurement
and started sewing the two panels together,
that far down from the folded ends. so, in my
case my arm was about 22 inches, so i started
sewing about 13 inches down from the fold.

finally, i turned the two panels now
sewn together right side out, so all
the seams are now on the interior.
then i took the two corners of the
folded ends and sewed them
together to create the shoulder.

my finished dress ended up being quite
a bit longer than i wanted once i put it on,
so i cut it to the desired length, cutting
the top layer a few inches shorter than
the bottom. i then just wrapped this extra
fabric around my neck twice to make a
sweet, little scarf.

when the dress is finished it looks
like it's just a rectangle, but because
it is wider than the waist, when worn,
the center drapes down. i pinned some
of the extra fabric around my waist in
the back to create a curvier shape,
but to each her own.

p.s. in the pictures, i have a white
turtleneck on under the dress--
the dress itself is actually sleeveless.