
college has finally gotten to me.

i've been bitten by the academic bug. this morning as i was listening to my professor answer last minute questions before my hispanic literature final, i was thinking about the papers i want to write, and possibly get published this summer. then i snapped out of it, and asked myself what on earth am i thinking? i want to spend my much needed hiatus from driving myself into the ground through my academic pursuits by doing none other than writing papers? and after all those times when my professors would go and on about the freedom and excitement of studying at a liberal arts institution purely for the sake of knowledge gain and i would just roll my eyes and count the credits until i can leave this place. this is unbelievable, i'm actually looking forward to spending lazy summer afternoons in the library pouring over research on obscure topics. the even odder thing is that of the few things i've been thinking about researching all involve latin america which would fall under the smaller part of my second major, which i have been considering dropping. but seriously, i love the library and relish the time i spend there. during the semester i have to limit my time there, lest i be tempted by some intriguing book spine as i pass through the infinite shelves which lead me from one interesting topic to another. i could spend hours, pouring over information i didn't even know i was interested in before a certain book caught my eye. i guess this would classify me as a bona fide nerd, but i don't care. it gets me fired up, and if at 20 i can get an article published in a literary magazine, that would be awesome. maybe i should just take my boyfriend's advice and become a professional student. based on these recent revelations, that may just be the case.

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