
la guerre {ou l'opposition à la guerre}

yesterday, through rain and hail, i attended the annual peace rally and march in downtown portland. unfortunately, it's become a tradition every spring. i can't believe its already been five years since we first invaded. i remember watching the night vision images of apparent military targets being bombed, that night in march. and then being condemned at school the next day for denouncing the war and the 'leader' of it. funny how so many of those who told me i was wrong changed their opinions before graduation two years later.

i ended up marching with some SDS {students for a democratic society} kids, mostly from reed. we were acting as a shield around the earth first and anarchist groups in case the 12 bike cops that were following their {and only their} every move decided to violently take matters into their own hands. apparently there's also a lot of hostility between older, less liberal {but somehow 'open minded'} folks who often try to get the 'rebel kids in all black' arrested. imagine that. luckily, all was peaceful and the portland police reported no arrests.

{here's a picture of the march reflected in the sign for the world trade center.}

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