from now until april 3, 2009 i will be creating my senior
thesis artwork. april 3 is the official opening at the gallery
on campus. it's a bit of a misconception because i'm actually
creating a large body of work, of which only small portions
will be shown. the overarching concept i'm working with is
that of ritualized sexualities. i've been looking at different
ways that various cultures and subcultures have imposed
structures or boundaries or rules on sexuality. for the first
piece that i'm working on, i'm exploring the ritual of marriage,
from a more or less historical standpoint. i'm building a tent.
and i suppose i should have started off with the
fact that i have an extremely hard time explaining
a piece of art that i am going to do before i do it.
i have a perfectly clear image of the final product
in my head down to infinite details, but i so often
fail miserably at expressing that to others in word
form, before it is actually completed. it's a little
like trying to explain a tomato to someone who
had never seen or tasted one before. for the past
month and a half i have had to do this sort of
abstract explaining more than ever before and
it feels so great to now be finally producing
something and get the mental images out into
the physical objects. so these panels will be the
interior walls of the tent. i'm hoping to have this
piece completed in the next few weeks, but i
think i'll wait before i explain the rest, god forbid
my mental image doesn't really play out within
the logistics of a nine-foot tall tent.
oh and it's also exciting that i've completely moved
away from fine art materials and i'm now working
with straight up latex house paint, premixed
colors and all.
goodbye painting, hello sculpture.
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