front porch. over the weekend i picked up some
salad greens and a leek at the farmers' market.
i thought about different ways to use the leek
but then i decided to just enjoy the leekiness
of it. so i sliced it up and sauteed it with
a little butter and salt and pepper. then i added
a bit of balsamic vinegar and a few pinches of
brown sugar. then some red wine. i let that
simmer down and then finished it with a little
cream. i spooned it over some frozen chicken
and herb ravioli {this probably qualifies me
for sandra lee's semi-homade, but so help me
god, i've had some long days this week}.
anyways, it was delicious when i made it
saturday night and i was really looking forward
to the leftovers after a marathon of classes
today. typically, a heavily flavored dish only
mature with age, and get even better in the
days that follow its creation. unfortunately,
and quite sadly, this was not the case. it
was still good, but not knock your socks off
good like it was the other night. oh well.
i did enjoy it with a salad and a glass of
gewürztraminer, a most delicious alsacien
wine that has high fruity notes and just
happens to smell like roses and honeysuckle.
oh if only portland could stay like this for the
next nine months. alas, i'm sure the rain will
be here soon.
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